StatusWatch Production Monitoring Suite

Our production monitoring tools bring visibility to your shop floor.

StatusLight Call and Response System

Use the StatusLight Call and Response System (CRS) application to receive material and maintenance requests directly from your StatusLights.  No server required.

Conveniently accessible.

Originally designed for use by fork truck operators on mounted touchscreen computers, the CRS application can be installed on any computer running Windows.

Two-way communication.

Users can easily send requests to the CRS application with a StatusLight. Requests can be triggered through button presses, barcode scans, RFID swipes or any other form of StatusLight input.  The StatusLight will even change lights when the request is acknowledged or completed.

Traffic control.

Control which responders receive which requests, allowing you to cut traffic in especially busy parts of your shop.

Even better with StatusWatch.

The CRS easily integrates with StatusWatch to provide data on requests and responders, including response and resolution times.  Learn more about StatusWatch

StatusLight CRS